Vholdr Handlebar Mount

Posted by Notcot on Feb 2, 2011 in Gadgets |

Handle bar camera mount for VholdR and ContourHD The Handlebar Camera Mount securely clips around handlebars between 7/8” and 1¼” in dia. and is compatible with both the ContourHD and VholdR Wearable Camcorders. This mount opens up to wrap around the tubing, and then has an adjustable compression fit system to tighten it down.VholdR have done an excellent job of designing this camera mount. It even puts a lot of bike light mounts to shame! You can leave the clip in place on your bike and remove the camera in seconds by simply un-clipping it. A perfect camera mount for handlebars.Recommended for: Cyclists and possibly air sports where you would want to mount your camera to a tube between 7/8” and 1¼” in dia.

  • Handlebar mount for ContourHD cameras
  • Allows you to clamp the ContourHD to a wide range of bars

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1 Comment

M. Zaretti "Media Expert"
at 6:07 am

9 of 9 people found the following review helpful:
1.0 out of 5 stars
Does not function very well, 25 Jun 2010
M. Zaretti “Media Expert” (United Kingdom) –

This review is from: Vholdr Handlebar Mount (Electronics)

I have several ContourHD 1080p cameras, various mounts and spares and they are all great. This product however is not worth buying for the following reasons:

1. The attachment is so loose that there is about 1 to 2 mm of free play in the system – this has led to the camera moving around on the mount plate and serious amounts of vibration (it is on the handlbars so you would expect some – but this free play makes the footage un-usable)

2. The universal joint can not be tightened enough to make it solid. This means that the weight of the camera will eventually move the position. It is as if there is just not enough friction between the cup and the base of the mount.

We have had to bond a piece of rubber to one side of a camera to make it a tighter fit and this then makes the footage usable. The other trick was to get a really small elastic band and wedge it between the cup and the clamp base so that when they were tightened together they actually have enough friction. Dream Rubber Bands 300’s Black Bag (Pack of 12)

I suggest you simply get the waterproof case which has a standard camera mount thread. you’ll then be able to attach it to a camera mount (G clamp styled or other) With the bonus of having it all waterproof. Vholdr Waterproof Case

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