USB Humping Dog

Posted by Notcot on May 10, 2012 in Gadgets |
USB Humping Dog

USB gadgets aren’t always useful. Sometimes they’re just beyond belief. Product developers could just spend their time inventing the next best thing since sliced bread but no bless them. The world would be a very dull place if it wasn’t for there being inventors out there with enough time on their hands to come up with something so stratospherically stupid as this the USB Humping Dog. Well you’ve got to do something with your USB ports so you might as well have a laugh with them. Pop this excitable pup into your PC’s USB port and watch as he starts high-speed-humping your machine yes really. This pint size version or our worryingly popular Humping Dog may not be the next best thing since sliced bread but it’s a lot funnier.

  • Gift – Home & Office

Price : £ 6.99

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