Ultimate Ears MetroFi 220 Earphones

Posted by Notcot on May 28, 2010 in Portable Sound & Vision |

Average Rating: 4.5 / 5 (15 Reviews)

Ultimate Ears MetroFi 220 Earphones

Buy Now for £23.29

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These are the earphones I will always opt for from now on.

I have tried and tested so many types and shapes of earphones in the past that I have a drawer full of ones that I simply do not use. These earphones will not be going into that drawer.

They are extremely comfortable and the sound quality is excellent. I am not a professional musician so I cannot discriminate to the extent that others may be able to but these are the best quality ear phones I have encountered. The fit actually helps the quality as they are so snug – the soft outer which instantly moulds to your ear shape fits so securely that they effectively block external noise. The sound quality I found to be sharp and clear – allowing me to turn the volume down much more than normal as I simply did not require it.

I tried these on a variety of players and devices and they were excellent with all – Ipod, MP3, PC (Desktop), Laptop, Mobile – a Nokia and Motorolla and most importantly my Kindle. With all the sound was very good and extremely clear. I have to say that for audio books I don’t think that these earphones could be surpassed – unless you are going into the realm of extremely expensive earphones. The sound was so sharp and there was no background residue.

They also withstand the movement test – walking or jogging. The earphones are such a good fit they don’t even feel as if they will come loose. They are also extremely comfortable if you are lying down.

For me these are worth every penny and more – my bottom line test with these types of equipment is – if I lost them tomorrow – would I look around or buy the same model? My answer – I would purchase the same model without hesitation and would not even be tempted to look at others on the market.

Rating: 5 / 5

at 2:54 am

These earphones are actually pretty good I was sceptical at first considering that I had heard of some people saying that it lacks in bass however after using them my doubts are now gone! They have a quite a lot of bass maybe not as much as the Shure SE310 which I previously owned before they completely lost all their sound after just 10 months but anyway those cost almost four times as much as these ultimate Ears so I guess I can’t complain. The sound quality that comes out is very good and clear and I was surprised at the quality of them they are not as good as the Shures I owned but you can’t tell the difference in most songs and one advantage that they have over the Shures I previously owned is that they are so much easier to insert into your ears and get a comfortable fit. With the Shures I had to keep re-adjusting so that they would fit properly. Any way they do their job when it comes to sound isolation you can barely hear anything outside but they do allow you to hear some ambience noise so you’re not walking around deaf and unaware of what is going on in the world around you.

I’ve managed to get a good fit with the Silicone ear-cushions however I have realised that it does start to hurt a little after long term use but hopefully as my ears get used to them this should not be a problem. The wires are designed so that they don’t get tangled and I have to say that I’ve had no problems with them so far. As for the carry case its plastic and has a kind of cheap weak looking latch that looks like it will break with constant use I have heard of that happening with another user but I should have no worries as I intend on using the carry case that came with my previous Shure SE310 earphones which is of a much higher quality and has a zip close. So if you’re looking for a good pair of earphones for under 100 these are a very good buy I highly recommend.

Rating: 5 / 5

J. Craig
at 5:49 am

These earphones come with three different sized rubber ear pieces. This means that they should be suitable for any ear sizes. However, after trying them out, I have to say I find my original iPod earphones more comfortable to wear. On the plus side, the sound quality goes some way to make up for the discomfort (which isn’t terrible, I might add – they just feel slightly funny!)

These earphones give great sound quality over all ranges – from bass right through to soprano – without a hint of distortion. The same cannot be said for my iPod earphones which sometimes struggle with bass sounds, particularly when the volume is rather loud!

This product also comes with a handy carry case to store the earphones when not in use, which I find extremely useful as the wires don’t end up getting tangled up in everything! It does look as though the plastic hinge may snap after a prolonged period of use, but for now, it’s a very good idea. Overall, I’m relatively happy with these earphones, which do the job they’re designed to do, albeit with a slight discomfort for me anyway.
Rating: 4 / 5

at 7:56 am

I’ve been very impressed with these earphones; they’re not cheap, but on the other hand they are the first pair of earphones I’ve come across that actually don’t feel uncomfortable in my ears (it helps a lot that the product comes with a number of “adapters” that allow you to choose the one that fits your particular ears best) and that don’t fall out when I move my head. Sound quality is excellent, and the ability to pause and skip tracks on your iPod using the switch on the earphone lead is a great addition too. Highly recommended.
Rating: 5 / 5

at 8:58 am

I have a feeling that any review of in-ear headphones at the lower end of the price bracket is always going to come down hugely to how well your choice of bud size from those provided measures up to your ear canal. I have not found, and I have tried many, that there is much difference between different manufacturers’ offerings. At the expensive end, I’ve noticed the quality of Etymotic’s ear buds, but for under £40 these seems to measure up pretty well. When I got the right size in my ear the seal was good and so was the sound. Unfortunately, as I use these for running, or shove them in my pocket when I pop into a shop, durability is an issue. I lost one of the rubber covers within 3 weeks. Sennheiser ones like these Sennheiser CX 300-II Precision Noise-Isolating Ear-Canal Phones – Black (Eco Packaging) have been with me for years now, in tact and without such an obvious noise when my shirt rubs against the lead as with the Ultimate Ears. So, in truth, it’s going to be hard to say how you’ll find these, but if you want earphones that will need to withstand some miscare, and your ears are my size, you may want to look elsewhere.
Rating: 3 / 5



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