Time machine

Product Description
Time Machine is the clock that’s fun to watch! Just turn it on and its precise mechanism transfers a chrome ball every sixty seconds for the perfect time. With its custom acrylic display case and ultra-modern design, Time Machine is destined to become the centerpiece of any room or office and will entertain and amaze for years!
- Just turn it on and its precise mechanism transfers a ball every sixty seconds for perfect time keeping.
I like it, but I have problems with mine,
some balls get jammed every day on 1 AM/PM, it’s the time when all balls start rolling. The clock keeps working, but shows bad time obviously.
The solution is simple, but annoying to do every day.
Rating: 4 / 5
This is a nice item, I was very happy when I received it. However it worked for about a month and then the loading arm stopped, I can not work out why, the seconds dial is still ticking away.
Rating: 2 / 5
Bought for my son (35) who has really enjoyed it. He does moan a little about the noise it makes in his office!
Rating: 4 / 5
I bought this for a gadget lover and he thought this was fantastic! It is qquite soothing to watch. Although a little noisy when the hour changes, it is a fun way to watch time go by!
Rating: 4 / 5
Had one similar to this 25 years ago. However, quality then was much better than the one I bought now. Time machine will stop for no reason (even with brand new batteries installed). Time will be several minutes off everyday. Nice piece to look at, but definitely needs quality improvement.
Rating: 3 / 5