Canon Professional Gadget Bag 1EG
Posted by Notcot on May 28, 2010 in Gadgets

Product Description
The Canon Professional Gadget Bag 1EG was designed with enough roomto hold two camera bodies, 7 to 10 lenses, and flashes, as well asan assortment of film, batteries, and other necessities for theprofessional photographer. Featuring reinforced, padded pockets andcompartments with room enough for equipment appropriate for mostsituations, the 1EG is a serious bag for the travelingphotographer. Practical and attractive, the 1EG is a great way toprotect your equipment from moisture and dust as well as the wearand tear that results from excessive handling. 0027X678
- Professional Gadget Bag 1EG
- Professional Gadget Bag 1EG