Intelliplug – TV/Audio version

Product Description
TV/Audio Visual Intelliplug – TVA106Eliminating standby in our homes is not always easy. That little red light on your television and home entertainment additions such as surround sound amplifiers DVD Players and computer consoles are needlessly costing you money every hour. Research suggests that leaving electrical equipment on standby can reduce equipment lifespan by an average of 15% and creates a needless fire risk.OneClick technologies have spent several years developing the world< >< >s first patented intelligent plug designed to work automatically and boasts a lifespan of at least 15 years.Tested to British Standards RoHS compliant and recommended by the Energy Saving Trust the IntelliPlug< >< >s< >< > green credentials integrity and reliability are endorsed by independently qualified technicians.How Does It Work?The TVA106 IntelliPlug< >< > learns to recognise the signal from your television remote control this enables it to activate your television automatically into standby mode whenever you are ready to use it. When you have finished using your television you switch it off in the normal way using your remote control and the IntelliPlug< >< > does the restNo more standby < >< > no more wasted power. Instead of simply switching off the television at this point the clever IntelliPlug< >< > continues to record the amount of power being drawn by the television and waits until the internal circuitry has completely powered down in to a standby state only then does the IntelliPlug< >< > switch the television and peripheral equipment off.Switching the television power off immediately (as if pulling the plug from the mains) can cause corruption of the internal software in some digital televisions. This can result in the television having to go through a re-boot process.To date OneClick have sold over half a million products and we estimate that together we< >< >ve saved almost 23 million tonnes of Carbon Dioxid
- Remote Standby Saver for TV
- Powerdown all your TV accessories and your power supply automatically
- 1 Main Socket, plus 2 accessory sockets
- Connect further trailing adapter if you wish (max 13amps)
- Auto Calibrates the power during installation plus offers surge protection too!