Posted by Notcot on Feb 22, 2011 in

The Atacama Equinox AV GP-Shelf is a additional shelf for use with the multi award winning modular equipment rack; ideal for LCD and plasms TVs up to 50". It is sonically superior to many other designs and is engineered to enhance any audio system. The frame is manufacturered from high-grade steel and is beautifully finished. Each glass shelf is toughened to BS6206A and is sonically isolated from the metal frame. The shelf simply stacks onto the base unit below. The Atacama Equinox AV GP-Shelf consists of one additional shelf module giving 215mm of internal height; the frame is finished in stunning Graphite (metallic grey) with complementary Piano Black glass. Highly recommended!
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Tags: atacama, atacama equinox, award, Black, black glass, equinox, equipment, glass shelf, gp, GP-Shelf, grade steel, Graphite, Highly, LCD, metal frame, metallic grey, module, Piano, plasms, quot, Rack, shelf module, stacks, steel, system, TV's, unit, Use