Posted by Notcot on Oct 9, 2010 in
Got relatives visiting hosting a party stuck in an airport? It’s time for Uno – easy to learn easy to play and fun for all the family. Be the first player to score 500 points. Points are scored by getting rid of all the cards in your hand before your opponent(s). You score points for cards left in your opponents’ hands.
Price : £ 5.49
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Tags: 163, airport, card, Cards, family, fun, game, Got, hand, opponent, opponents, party, player, price, relatives, score, time, Uno, uno card game
Posted by Notcot on Mar 26, 2010 in

- Ludo Glass Drinking Game
- 30cm X 30cm
Product Description
This is an adult version of the popular game Ludo (18+).
The drinking rules are simple. If a player rolls and cannot move or if one of
their pieces is returned to a start position they need to drink a shot!!
The normal Ludo Rules are as follows :
At the start of the game, the player’s four pieces are placed in the start area of their colour. Players take it in turn to throw a single die. A player must first throw a six to be able to move a piece from the starting area onto the starting square. In each subsequent turn the player moves a piece forward 1 to 6 squares as indicated by the dice. When a player throws a 6 the player may bring a new piece onto the starting square, or may choose to move a piece already in play. Any throw of a six results in another turn. If a player cannot make a valid move they must pass the die to the next player. If a player’s piece lands on a square containing an opponent’s piece, the opponent’s piece is captured and returns to the starting area. A piece may not land on square that already contain a piece of the same colour (unless playing doubling rules; see below). Once a piece has completed a circuit of the board it moves up the home column of its own colour. The player must throw the exact number to advance to the home square. The winner is the first player to get all four of their pieces onto the home square.
Ludo Glass Drinking Game
Tags: adult version, area, cannot, colour, die, Drinking, drinking game, drinking ludo rules, exact number, game, Glass, home, home column, Ludo, ludo rules, move, opponent, piece, player, squares, start, turn, valid move