Sat Nag – Meckernsystem für’s Auto

Irritating. Annoying. Infuriating. Sat Nag – the in-car nagging system. A spoof sat-nav unit with lenticular screen. Push the button to hear one of 25 highly irritating comments. For example: ‘In 100 metres, I’m going to ask you to move into the slow lane so I can fix my make up.’ ‘In 50 metres, if you fart again, I’m going to get out of this car and catch a bus.’ ‘You have reached your destination. You may now throttle your passenger.’ ‘I know you’re a man, but it’s been 45 minutes now. Can you please admit we’re lost and ask someone the way?’
- Misst in etwa 10 cm x 8 cm x 1.7 cm
- Macht sich toll als Geburtstags- oder Weihnachtsgeschenk oder im Stiefel vom Nikolaus
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