Solar-Powered Mole Repeller
Posted by Notcot on Sep 2, 2012 in Gadgets

Drives away moles to protect lawns, seed beds and seedling plants
- The new Solar-Powered Mole Repeller discharges a sonic pulse into the ground every 50 seconds to repel moles and forces them to find a new home – without harming them. Moles undermine the root systems of lawns, plants and seedlings, effecting their growth plus mole hills look unsightly and make mowing the lawn difficult. This mole repeller covers an area of up to 15 metres radius in perfect conditions (moist clay based soils are the best conductors of the sonic pulse but it will work in all soil types) – protecting an area over 700 metres squared!Mole attacks are most likely during the mating season (February to June) and more likely in sandy free-draining soils and in turf areas although new tunnels can appear anywhere at any time. This impressive device is solar powered which enables it to work continuously, including overnight (when moles are most active) and in poor light conditions, by charging up the in-built 1.2v rechargeable battery.
Price : £ 12.95