Waterproof Notebook

Lightbulb moment in the shower? Now you can put it to paper! It’s worth stopping to consider the ideas theories and world-beating strategies that might’ve been lost in the shower. Who knows what lost classic song John Lennon could have hummed whilst sudding himself and then forgotten? What literary masterpiece tumbled out of Shakespeare’s head because he was busy with the loofah? If only they’d had the Waterproof Notebook on hand to scribble down their precious musings! Thankfully this problem won’t affect you if you get your (sopping wet) hands on one yourself. By some feat of Jacobean witchcraft (probably) it’s perfectly possible for you to write your innermost thoughts on this shower-safe little notepad. Or just a note to remind yourself to buy some loo roll. Either way your days of bathroom-based memory-loss are numbered. Next time you’re struck by genius in the bath just jot it down on this little lifesaver.
- Gift – Toys
Price : £ 8.99