Avatar: The Last Airbender- Into the Inferno (Wii)

Posted by Notcot on Apr 4, 2011 in Noir

Includes – A Parent Go Free Voucher*

The Fire Nation devises a plot to use the power of Sozin’s Comet to rain devastation on the rest of the world. The fate of the world lies in the hands of only a few young, brave heroes-Aang and his friends. They are preparing for the ultimate showdown against Fire Lord Ozai and his terrorizing army that will ultimately decide who will win the great 100 year old war

  • Game specially built for the Wii from the ground up
  • New and improved Wii controls
  • Combat moves follows TV show
  • Manipulate elements in the environment with advanced bending moves
  • Bending Bombs
  • Bend elements to use as projectile weapon
  • Soar through the sky on gliders in new flying levels
  • Use Appa to navigate through the Avatar world
  • Ember Island: Replayable mini-games

*Voucher entitles one FREE entry for an adult per voucher and per full paying adult. – Voucher can be used at: Warwick Castle, Madame Tussauds, London Aquarium, The Dungeons and any Sea Life Centres/Sancturies

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Dante’s Inferno (Xbox 360)

Posted by Notcot on Mar 19, 2011 in Steampunk

EAs Dantes Inferno will take gamers to the western worlds most definitive view of the afterlife as created in the 13th century by the Italian poet Dante Alighieri in part one of his epic classic, The Divine Comedy.It tells an adapted story that focuses on delivering a blockbuster 3rd person action game experience while bringing Alighieris depiction of Hell to the medium. Players assume the role of Dante, who descends into Hell after returning home to find his beloved Beatrice murdered, with Lucifer seducing her soul into the underworld. Dante sets out on a rescue mission to save Beatrice, but he soon realizes he is also in Hell to face his own demons and ultimately to redeem himself.

Players will take Dante through nine unique circles of Hell as mapped out and described by Alighieri: limbo, lust, gluttony, greed, anger, heresy, violence, fraud and treachery. Each circle will showcase its own distinct look, with demons, monsters, damned and geography that are crafted straight from the poems vivid descriptions. To take down the demons of Hell, Dante is outfitted with two primary weapons: the Scythe he takes from Death and the Holy Cross given to him by Beatrice, which has spiritual powers that will help Dante collect souls and spells from the creatures he defeats on his journey. The game also features a deep upgrade system so gamers can customize their abilities to their specific gameplay style, something theyll need as Dante comes face to face with Hells fiercest beasts and bosses. If successful, Dante will be able to tame certain beasts, exacting their will and turning Hells punishments back on itself.

Built on the same technology as the award-winning Dead Space, Dantes Inferno will deliver a fast, fluid and responsive combat experience running at 60 frames per second, a must-have for the action adventure genre. The game is being built by Visceral Games, with the same attention to poli

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