Jawbone Prime Bluetooth HeadsetÂ
Posted by Notcot on Jul 26, 2010 in Handhelds & PDAs

- NOISEASSASSIN 2.0. Jawbone has been able to eliminate real world noise better than any other headset because it is the only headset that can accurately separate speech from ambient noise
- Jawbone PRIME has even better background noise elimination than the previous generations
- NoiseAssassin┢ 2.0 delivers an order of magnitude improvement in the noisiest environments (6 to 9dB) extracting even more noise while keeping the user’s voice natural
- Acoustic Voice Activity Detector (AVAD) provides a fail-safe mechanism when the Voice Activity Sensor (VAS) doesn’t touch your face
- When the VAS is not touching the face, Jawbone PRIME performs as good as or better than any other noise cancelling headset. Also when the VAS touches the face, you get the turbo-boost to the NoiseAssassin performance