Cupcake Tea Cup

No you’ve not wandered into some Dali-esque nightmare world where up is down left is right and people eat cakes out of teacups – this is nothing more than a quirky cake mould. And what an attractive one it is too! If you’re planning on having some extremely well-to-do and important dignitaries round for afternoon tea and cake you would do well to get yourself a set of these Tea Cupcakes and combine the two – they even come with their own saucers for an extra presentational flourish. Rather than wallowing in the oh-so predictable doldrums of paper cake cases you can now take tea and cake with an air of civility. Your cake is now a Tea Cupcake. Or a Teacup Cake. Or maybe a Tea Cup Cake. Either way it’s bound to be all the more delicious. Made of silicone and totally reusable all you have to do to have perfect Tea Cupcakes is oil the moulds pop the batter in and stick them in the oven. Before you know it you’ll be entertaining only the very best company with only the very best cakes!
- Gift – Home & Office
Price : £ 11.99