Maxim – Petal Crown Hood 58mm for Canon 18-55mm Lens, clamp collar nut, also fits onto 58mm filter also fits Nikon, Tamron, Tokina, Sigma, Fuji, Pentax etc.. or any lens with a 58mm front thread diameter. By Maxim Foto Supplies.

Product Description
Petal lens hood for all 58mm lens threads. When used it does not allow for a lens cap to be fitted, lens hood will need to be removed to fit lens cap.
This lens hood screws into the front of your lens or filter as a very good alternative to an expensive original hood.
It also has a clamp collar nut that only needs a slight pressure to tighten onto your lens so it it not easily lost.. ( do not over tighten or you risk threading).
Some edge shadowing may occur depending on your lens.
Some Wide angle lenses may show excessive shadows and this hood is not recommended.
Internal focus lenses only recommended also otherwise the petal hood would spin as focus occurs.
Petal lens hood for all 58mm lens threads.
- Crown Shape Lens Hood, fits all lenses /filters of size 58mm
- Stops light coming into the lens at extreme angles and being reflected inside the lens
- 58mm diameter.
- Tightening lock nut.