Badboyz – Blue iPod Touch 2 & 3 Hydro Gel Case & Screen Protector

Product Description
Slip your handheld into this amazing new hydrosilicrylic case and instantly experience the sensual touch and the look of sophisticated styling. This case raises the bar with a designer pattern that screams chic! With our new slim-fitting low profile this case provides the robust protection of a hard case, and the form-fitting flexibility of a soft case. Carefully crafted for a precise fit, this case features full body protection in a slim, bulk-free fashionably-aware package that enhances your handheld’s aesthetics. Delivering everyday protection against impact, scratches, dirt, dust, and everyday hazards. Provides a unique non-slip grip, full access to all controls and a simple way to give your handheld a complete color make-over. IPOD TOUCH 2 HYDRO GEL CASE
- Features a stunning, high-gloss finish plus screen protector.
- Highest quality in fit, styling and protection.
- Stand out from the crowd
- New, bold, sexy hot, low profile, protector for your handheld
- Flexibility, Beauty & Convenience
Badboyz – Blue iPod Touch 2 & 3 Hydro Gel Case & Screen Protector