Name A Star Gift Box Set

Only a small number of stars in our sky actually have names allocated to them; the majority are nameless and are distinguished by their catalogue number only. Your gift box contains the details of one of these unnamed stars that is ready for naming by you. ; ; On your Star Details Form is information about your star; two of these references being your star’s Right Ascension and Declination. These are the co-ordinates that relate to the exact position of your star in the sky. Just use these co-ordinates and the instructions on your ‘5 Steps to Locating Your Star sheet to find the exact location of your star on the huge wall map enclosed. ; ; Naming your star is easy; you can either complete the process online or fill in and return the lower section of your Star Registration Form. You are required to enter your star name your contact and delivery details. This is then entered into the Star Registry and you are sent a certificate confirming your star registration. ; ; This information will then be periodically submitted to the British Library.
Price : £ 15.59