Sony NP-FH50 Infolithium H Series Camcorder Battery

Posted by Notcot on Apr 4, 2010 in Photography |

Average Rating: 4.5 / 5 (30 Reviews)

Product Description
Compatible with older P-series battery operated Camcorders

  • 6
  • 8V
  • 900mAh

Sony NP-FH50 Infolithium H Series Camcorder Battery

Buy Now for £24.98

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P. Davies
at 10:16 pm

Fact: I have tried ‘compatible’ batteries from Amazon Market Place. For me they did not work and were returned. This Sony original was my last hope. Since I have first used it I have not had one seconds problem.

For me the compatible route was a mistake as, for me, they discharged far too quickly and did not give me notice of their demise – they just ran out.

This Sony original (as a back up for the original I have) works great.

By all means give the compatibles a go, if it works stick with them. I have spent as much money trying 3 compatibles – I should have just purchased this from the start. I will not make the same mistake again – I will go the original route from the off.

Rating: 5 / 5

S. Box
at 11:32 pm

I bought this battery and it is original Sony for sure. But was disappointed to see that it wasn’t in any formal packaging. Just came loose in a bag with a few bits of written material.

I think the description should be altered to make it clear that this battery is sent loose as it was part of a bulk buy by KK Electronics.

The seller did have very good communication about this and did offer a refund. But I decided to keep it anyway. Certainly cheaper than buying from Sony.
Rating: 4 / 5

at 12:59 am

Needed a spare for my Sony camcorder as the standard battery supplied with the cameraa from new only gives you 30-40 mins recording time and needed a spare which lasts a bit longer. Wanted an original Sony battery as reproduction ones dont always do what they say on the label. This ticks all the boxes for me and gives me reassurance that l have sufficient power for my recording. Recommended. Sony NP-FH50 Infolithium H Series Camcorder Battery
Rating: 5 / 5

Mr. D. Brooke
at 3:11 am

I bought this for my Sony DCR-SR37E as i wanted a spare battery with a little extra capacity than with the one supplied. I also wanted to buy a genuine Sony product as i have heard they work and last a lot better than other makes.

Fully charged this battery lasted over 2 hours, recording in high quality, and came in very useful on a holiday i recently took to Florida.

I would recommend this to anyone, well worth the price.
Rating: 5 / 5

Keith Joseph
at 3:45 am

Just bought a Sony HC53E Camcorder. Very annoyingly my old, identical looking, same 7.2v, Sony NP-FP Camcorder batteries from my previous defunct model [Sony HC22E] don’t fit this new HC53E camcorder though, thanks to a few mm more plastic on the base lugs and Sony’s new [anti-copying] info-lithium chip. Trim the old NP-FPs to fit in the HC-53Es NP-FH slot and the camera says ‘incompatible battery’ – i.e. it’s got an old style info-chip, even though it is a Sony battery of the right shape, voltage and power. So I had to buy one of these `genuine’ Sony NP-FH50 as a spare battery [it’s the same physical size as the NP-FH30 supplied with the camera, but with a tad more power reserve].

Sony have nobbled the new HC-53E camcorder so that cheaper generic ones can’t work without a naff patch cable and thus can’t provide the very useful ‘time and % battery charge left’ graphical info on-screen. This anti-piracy mod isn’t to stop others manufacturing batteries and passing them as off as counterfeit Sony’s [the ‘generic’ were always branded], it’s simply trying to force you to buy the rather overpriced Sony batteries that can cost over half the price of the entire camcorder. That said I got this Sony NP-FH50 for around £30 from Amazon resellers, which wasn’t bad value [although my complete Sony Camcorder + NP-FH30 battery was only £120 from Amazon].

You can recharge these Sony NP-FH50 batteries in the camera, but I bought a £15 generic mains/12v car charger combo, so that I can recharge one battery while filming with another.
Rating: 4 / 5



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