Science Museum – Electric Bug

b>Electric Bug
Its out of control!!
Discover how a tiny spinning weight is used to make your own shaking bug.
Contains a motor, battery box, motor mount, rubber ring, disks, face graphics, plastic feet, off centre mass, screws, nuts, red connecting sleeves, sticky pads and detailed assembly instructions with fun facts.
Age 8 yrs+ if supervised, or 14 yrs+ un-supervised
- Its out of control!!
- Discover how a tiny spinning weight is used to make your own shaking bug.
- detailed assembly instructions with fun facts.
Science Museum – Electric Bug <- Read More Buy Now for £10.99 (Best Price)
Review by A. Best for Science Museum – Electric Bug
(4 / 5)
Although I got this bug for a 27 year old man for Christmas, it was great fun watching him put it together. If someone of that age can enjoy this product then anyone will.
This is a great little bug for any age.
Review by Mr Stephen Dilworth for Science Museum – Electric Bug
(1 / 5)
I inadvertantly bought two, instead of one, as Christmas presents. They both provided seconds of fun and disappointment in greater measure. We even wired two together such was the boredom threshold.
Don’t bother with this rubbish at any price.