Sanyo Eneloop AA 4 Pack Batteries 2000mAh
Posted by Notcot on Mar 27, 2010 in Photography |

- High performance Low self-discharge Charge with standard NiMH charging devices
- Dimensions: (? x H) 14 mm x 50.5 mm
- Content: 4 pc(s)
- Type: HR-3UTG 4BP
I use it with my Canon 580EX flash.
with the old sanyo 2500/2700mAh Ni-MH batteries, their capacities are quite good, however they will become flat in a couple of days even if you just leave them there. The self-discharging problem is really annoying.
The new eneloop is much much better than the previous generation. You can charge it, leave it there, use it whenever you needed without any decay. And guess what, the 2000mAh eneloop’s capacity seems even larger than the old 2500/2700mAh’s.
Rating: 5 / 5
For something as mundane as batteries these really are quite an developmen
Packaging is simple – understated white and clean looking with not much to distract. Just battery shape with no hype of claims or lightning flashes or anything else suggesting they are special or different. The inner packaging doubles as a battery carry case. A nice touch which shows some joined up thinking about waste.
But you still have to get the batteries out of an outer blister pack (have to use knives and scissors to get in there of course) as with most modern packaging this is wasteful and crazy. That’s where the similarity with conventional batteries ends.
They work straight from the box into your camera, game or whatever, just as you would with a regular non rechargeable. No planning ahead, no charging, no waiting ten hours before they ready to power your gadgets. That’s very satisfying from a convenience point of view. No hassle.
Then you notice after a few days (or cumulative hours) of using your equipment, in my case a digital camera, that the batteries are lasting ages with no sign of letting up. This goes way past the time when you’re thinking ‘I better watch out for the warning light because I’m sure I’ll miss a good shot just as the camera shuts down’.
And these batteries seem to just keep going on and on and on and on – as other manufacturers would like us to believe their products do. Then you find the recharging time is a fraction of normal rechargeables.
It’s all good and I can’t quite believe I’ve spent time reviewing a battery, it’s because I was given four and I quickly can’t see the point on relying on the batteries I’ve been using up till now. I’m going to replace them all with eneloop.
There’s no point keeping all the others because they’ve been irritating me for ages anyway and eneloop will simply end all my frustrations.= with regular rechargeables. They drain way too fast into thin air during storage (way quicker than the blurb suggests they should). I mean the number of times I’ve had batteries on charge for a day, put them in my camera bag and then a few days later there’s no charge left at all, I can’t count. The eneloops show no sign of losing charge at all. Even after a couple of weeks they still last for ages and ages in the camera.
For once, a product that really is a leap forward and brings tangible improvements in performance and convenience all round. If the whole world were to go in this direction quickly we might have a chance of saving the human race from destroying the planet.
Shame about all the landfill those old batteries will cause.
Have to try selling them on before everyone else finds out.
Rating: 5 / 5
I used to have to guess when I would need batteries so that I would charge them within days of needing to use them. If I didn’t do this, the ‘fresh’ batteries would have lost a significant amount of charge by the time I first used them.
Then, even if I didn’t use all the sets of batteries, I’d still need to charge each set before the next time they were needed, or they’d be flat too quickly.
This new kind of battery is much better. It comes charged, it stays charged before you use it and it keeps its charge while you’re not using it, meaning it lasts longer when used for photography, for example.
Rating: 5 / 5
I purchased the smallest pack of these batteries because I was very skeptical of their abilities even though they have a good write up – primarily to use in our games machine remotes.
The set went into one of the Wii remotes at the same time as an ordinary set of new rechargeable were put in one of the other remotes so we could do a compare. After a week the ordinary rechargeables were just about run down because the little hand on screen was flickering more (this probably only makes sense if you have a Wii), but the Eneloop batteries were still going stong. In fact they lasted just over two weeks. They were recharged for the first time in the charger we already have which is nothing special and popped back in. This time they lasted a day longer!
We are now testing the same set in our Xbox 360 (which does not recommend using rechargeables). So far they have been in a week with no signs of wear.
The costly mistake – well I should have bought this larger pack in the first place. Guess what has just gone in my basket?
Rating: 5 / 5
These are the answer for digital cameras – and in fact anywhere you want a long life, high capacity battery. They hold their charge, sustain their performance and recharge quickly – we use several sets in school cameras which were always running flat (on ordinary NiMh batteries) just when the students needed them, a real pain. The Eneloops last for weeks!!! Our only problem is, we have to check they are still there when the cameras are returned, they are very desirable batteries!!!!
Rating: 5 / 5