SanDisk microSDHC 16GB Card

Posted by Notcot on Jun 2, 2010 in Photography |

Average Rating: 4.5 / 5 (46 Reviews)

SanDisk microSDHC 16GB Card

Buy Now for £26.00

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A. Rose
at 1:24 am

I purchased this for a nokia 5800. I had a few teething problems which I think had been down to my performing a backupnrestore without performing a card format on the phone first. This resulting in the card loosing all data after a week. Since then though all has gone well and it has been a joy to have a card packed full of music and applications. This is only a type 2 card so writes are a bit slower than the more expensive type 4. I’ve noticed no difference in the read speed though.

Overall, decent value and does the job.
Rating: 4 / 5

J. Oakley
at 3:14 am

Bought to replace the standard 4gb card in a HTC Desire.

Simply copied the contents of the old card to my PC, swapped the cards over and then copied the contents back. Hey Presto – it all works a treat. No need for formatting (in fact the ‘format’ option was greyed-out, so I presume it was pre-formatted).
Rating: 4 / 5

E. Walker
at 5:44 am

Mine just failed in my smartphone and is totally inaccessible after only a few months service, meaning that I shall have to spend 12+ hours re-installing software (fortunately most data was backed up). A search for this card reveals that there seem to be a lot of people with problems – it is even discussed on SanDisk’s own website forums. What do you do if “reliable brands aren’t reliable? I have standard SD cards which have been in use for years (one had been through the wash a couple of times and another spent a night being run over out on a wet road and are still working. Improved reliability on these new cards please!
Rating: 1 / 5

T. Nissen
at 5:52 am

Though not officially supported by my phone, this card worked perfectly, giving me 14.9Gb of memory (some is used up before you store anything on it). I suspect it would work with any other non-supporting devices, but buy from amazon or a seller with a decent returns policy to be safe!
Rating: 5 / 5

at 8:10 am

I bought this for a HTC Hero mobile phone, once formatted it works. It doesn’t have film star looks, brilliant white teeth or wear designer clothes but then what memory card does?

Seriously though, it worked out of the box, arrived before the estimated time and it does what I want it to do.

Can’t say fairer that that!
Rating: 5 / 5



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