Ring Car Cigarette Lighter Socket Splitter X2 12V and 2X USB Can Multisocket

Product Description
Vehicles have only a limited number of 12v sockets. Power point resources are Increasingly stretched with the increased use of satellite navigation systems radar devices DVD players and mobile phones to name but a few. Ring Automotive offers a multi socket range to meet this demand with superior quality design and functionality in line with the high value devices plugged into them. The adaptor is can shaped which makes it perfect to fit into your cars drink holder. It plugs straight into your 12v DC cigarette lighter socket and enables you to use 2 12v accessories at once aswell as 2 USB chargers. A battery analyser is fitted into the twin socket adaptor. The battery analyser shows you how healthy your cars battery is. The socket also features a width adjusting fitment collar 3 guide light rings mounting arms and coiled cable.
Ring Car Cigarette Lighter Socket Splitter X2 12V and 2X USB Can Multisocket
I have been using the unit for 2 days now. It works superbly. I am using it for my TomTom Go 940 live as well as the IPhone and at the same time charging my Kensington Battery unit. It took it all in style.
I throughly recommend the unit it you.
Rating: 5 / 5
The shape fits the cup holder really well and is very solid. Has been used on many journeys and always performs well. Can’t find any problem with it at all.
Rating: 5 / 5
Does what it says, and overall very happy. I have however seen cup holder adapters with spring loaded legs on the base, so they will fit almost all cup holders snuggly. This one wobbled around, and I had to wrap sponge around the bottom to make it snug.
Rating: 4 / 5
It does what it’s meant to do and fits perfectly into one of my cup-holders.
Rating: 5 / 5