
Amazon.co.uk Review
Patterns exist everywhere: in nature, in science, in religion, in business. Max Cohen (played hauntingly by Sean Gullette) is a mathematician searching for these patterns in everything. Yet, he’s not the only one, and everyone from Wall Street investors, looking to break the market, to Hasidic Jews, searching for the 216-digit number that reveals the true name of God, are trying to get their hands on Max. This dark, low-budget film was shot in black and white by director Darren Aronofsky. With eerie music, voice-overs, and overt symbolism enhancing the somber mood, Aronofsky has created a disturbing look at the world. Max is deeply paranoid, holed up in his apartment with his computer Euclid, obsessively studying chaos theory. Blinding headaches and hallucinogenic visions only feed his paranoia as he attempts to remain aloof from the world, venturing out only to meet his mentor, Sol Robeson (Mark Margolis), who for some mysterious reason feels Max should take a break from his research. Pi is complex–occasionally toocomplex–but the psychological drama and the loose sci-fi elements make this a worthwhile, albeit consuming, watch. Pi won the Director’s Award at the 1998 Sundance Film Festival. –Jenny Brown
An original, fascinating thriller about a reclusive maths genius (played by Sean Gullette) who becomes obsessed with the notion that everything in the universe can be broken down into mathematics and therefore follows a predictable pattern. This acclaimed black-and-white feature debut from Darren Aronofsky is filled with complex issues (can Gullette’s “gift†be used to decipher the true name of God?) and makes arresting use of disorientating camerawork to depict Max’s distorted view of the world. But, despite its many virtues, Pi becomes increasingly hard to follow because of an overload of intricate ideas that could baffle even Stephen Hawking.
Rating: 4 / 5
“Pi” is a remarkable film in many ways. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a film that manages to make mathematics so chic and paranoid reclusivity so cool. “Pi” is shot in grainy monochrome, and is directed pacily by Darren Aronofsky ,using innovative camerawork and an intense techno soundtrack to convey the obsessive-compulsive behaviour of the central character, mathematical genius Max Cohen (Sean Gullette). The storyline is based on Cohen’s belief that mathematics underlies every part of existence and that the universe is effectively a large scale computer programme which can be graphed and amended if the correct mathematical formula or numerical sequence is identified. A 216 digit number appears to hold the key to this discovery and Cohen’s research into this leads him into a disturbing world of blinding headaches, hallucinogenic visions and harrassment by Kabbalists and Wall Street sharks. “Pi” is a fascinating , intelligent movie that manages to link maths, philosophy, religion and economics into a stylish and exciting thriller. The film is a little on the short side at 70 minutes however. After watching “Pi” , you’ll probably wish you’d taken Additional Maths at school when you had the chance.
Rating: 5 / 5
“Pi” is an outstanding and complex thriller with brains and structure. For such a low budget film, this great movie shows you that greatness doesn’t have to only come out of big budget films with well-known stars. It is a film that gets in your head and stays with you long after it is over.
This dark and quiet thriller is about Maximilian Cohen, a brilliant mathematician who believes that everything in life revolves around patterns and numbers. For years he has been trying to find this pattern that could unlock everything we see and know. He starts with the stock market, the ultimate system of ordered chaos. The deeper he digs, the more insane he becomes. And the more he finds out, the more danger he is thrown into. The pattern itself proves to be just as deadly as the people who are after him. The twists and complexity will leave you in awe.
While this movie may be confusing at times, it still does its job and keeps us intrigued throughout the duration of the film. The acting and writing is really remarkable. Sean Gullette is very convincing as Max. I don’t think there is anybody else who could’ve gotten the job done. Everybody else was also great in it as well. The film is also a debut from Darren Aronofsky; and a powerful one at that. Very well written and directed. Some of the camera techniques are really great and allow you to get inside of the main character’s head.
“Pi” is a movie that requires you to think throughout the film and after. It’s a film that will mostly appeal to those who like quiet and unique thrillers. There’s no non-stop shootings or explosions in this movie. And it’s not a film that everyone is going to like. However, seeing that the movie is only 85 minutes long, why not give it a shot? If you want something new and different, “Pi” is the film for you. A very outstanding picture.
Rating: 5 / 5
Darren Aronofsky’s first feature is a stunning debut feature and a testament to a formidable young talent. The central character of the film is Maximillian Cohen, played by Sean Gullete, a obsessive and brilliant mathematician and his search for a mathematical pattern in the stock exchange. Don’t be put off by this though, as there is very little raw maths in the film, and the little there is I actually found quite interesting. Instead, the film focuses on Cohen’s descent into madness and paranoia as the result of an `accident’ when he was a child, which (cliche, I know) appears to have caused his talent for mathematics, and the gangster types who are pursuing him for the secret concerning the stock exchange respectively. The film builds up the tension to an unbearably level before the shocking yet perfectly fitting climax.
Helped by a literate and well-researched script, co-written by the director and Eric Watson, as well as a strong and highly-developed central performance from Gullete, Aronofsky has built a claustrophobic, visually intense and innovative thriller. Shot entirely in grainy black and white and reminiscent of David Lynch’s own halucinogenic debut feature `Eraserhead’, as well as the films of Kubrick and Hitchcock, elements of this film have already had an influence on several directors, most notably Christopher Nolan. Superbly confident for such a young director, Aronofsky is not afraid to repeat himself and uses several recurring visual and aural motifs and segments of film in the manner of a great composer to enhance the insanity of the experience. Every frame is packed with stark imagery and an unmistakable ambience and his use of the camera and of sound to draw the viewer into the mind of Cohen is brilliant. At several points I started to think that it was going to sen me mad, and at one point I had to switch the DVD off for a few minutes and take a break. Not one for the faint-hearted. The thunping electronic soundtrack, provided by the likes of Orbital, Roni Size, Aphex Twin and Massive Attack, is inspired and perfectly fitting.
The extras on the DVD are some of the best I’ve seen, including my favourite on any disc, deleted scenes. The music video, `PiR squared’, captures the feel of the film brilliantly in just under 3 minutes and the trailers are also very good. The obligatory `Behind the Scenes’ documentary, complete with voice-over from Aronofsky and Gullete, happily doesn’t take itself too seriously. It doesn’t aspire to give an `insight into the creative process’ so common in these affairs, nor does it become outrageously sycophantic, another common annoyance. It is essentially a light-hearted affair (and the narrators know it), a welcome break after watching the film, with the cast and crew clowning about backstage, although the little in-jokes begin to grate after a while. The director’s commentary is very good, and gives an insight into film-making on a budget, and Sean Gullete’s commentary is also very good.
In short a worthy winner of the Director’s Award at the Sundance festival and a worthy addition to any Film lover’s collection.
Rating: 5 / 5
Perhaps the greatest film I’ve ever seen. The direction and pacing are remarkable, and the music accompanies the film brilliantly. The only problem may be that the ‘subject-matter’ could be a little complex for some with a non-science background – then again I may be underestimating those individuals – please don’t let it put you off.
Rating: 5 / 5