Posted by Notcot on Feb 16, 2011 in
Gadgets |

Protect your iAudio S9 player with this stylish leather case from Cowon iAudio. With high quality leather this case not only compliments the design of the iAudio S9 but its stylish and durable too. When closed the case fully protects your player from knocks and surface scratching when opened the case allows full access to all of the players features and controls. Offers Great Protection Stylish Official Cowon Merchandise with Embossed Cowon Logo High quality leather features embossed cover Soft lining protects the S9s screen Click the link above to vote for the S9 in the T3 Gadget Awards 2009!
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Buy Now for £ 19.99 (Best Price)
Tags: Awards, case, Click, compliments, cover, cowon iaudio, Gadget, high quality, Leather, leather case, leather features, Lining, Link, logo, Merchandise, Offers, Official, player, Protect, quality leather, Soft, stylish leather, surface