Microsoft MHC-00004 Wireless Mobile Mouse 6000

Posted by Notcot on Mar 29, 2010 in PCs & Laptops |

Average Rating: 4.5 / 5 (41 Reviews)
  • BlueTrack Technology: Microsoft BlueTrack Techno
  • Plug-And-Go Nano Transceiver: Leave the Nano Tra
  • 10-Month Battery Life: Use your mouse without po
  • 2.4 GHz Reliable Wireless: Microsoft 2.4 GHz wir
  • Works on Virtually Any Surface: Your mouse will

Microsoft MHC-00004 Wireless Mobile Mouse 6000

Buy Now for £22.09

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B. Grewcock
at 2:55 pm

I am not interested in giving a full review, but I will say that the Mobile Mouse 6000 is very light weight. Normally wireless mice tend to be a little heavier than wired mice because of the radio receiver and battery, but this (with battery) weighs just 91 grams on my kitchen scales (digital).

Driver install was painless, just plug the USB receiver in and you are away after a quick automatic driver install. When I tried it with windows 7 (Release Candidate 7100) that didn’t even happen, it just worked!

This is a portable wireless mouse so it doesn’t go to sleep. There is an off switch on the bottom of the mouse. For laptop users on the go this is good, but for desktop users this could be irritating.

And despite all the promotional pictures having a blue ring around the mouse, the real mouse doesn’t have this. For me this is a plus, but anybody expecting a neon blue effect while using it, is going to be disappointed.
Rating: 5 / 5

Mr. T. Robinson
at 3:25 pm

I required a new mouse as my last Microsoft Mouse reached its 4th Birthday and thought it was time to call it a day!

I have been amazed at the quality and responsiveness of this mouse. The micro reciever is a welcome addition for laptop users and the mouse is equipped with an on/off slider switch which is excellent for energy conservation, particularly when travelling. I use this mouse on both my laptop and my PC and havent had a single problem with it. My experience with Microsoft Peripherals has and continues to be positive.

All in all a great little mouse with a lot of buzz!!!
Rating: 5 / 5

L. Monroy
at 6:13 pm

As a left handed user I found this to be one of the best mice I’ve used for quite a while. There are very few decent multi-button (5+) mice that can be used by both left and right handed people. This mouse is not tiny like some mobile mice, and works fine for everyday use. The receiver is tiny, so you can leave it plugged in all the time without fear of knocking it out, very handy.

Having the tilt AND 2 buttons on each side of the mouse along with the middle mouse button means there are 7 buttons in total!

It works well without a mouse mat on all the surfaces I’ve tried, battery hasn’t gone flat after over a month of 9-5 daily use.

Rating: 5 / 5

John Rothlisberger
at 7:52 pm

This mouse is exactly what I was after: small, light and highly responsive. The optical tracking technology is very forgiving and smooth, and the tiny USB receiver just lives in my laptop all the time, whether I’m using the mouse or not — it’s *very* small.

Highly recommended.
Rating: 5 / 5


The looks, bluetrack and nano transceiver were behind my decision to purchase this. Got it today and was further impressed. Especially,

- Wheel is simply awesome. You know that horrible clicking and grinding sound that you get with some mice, as though some mighty axle were being turned? Well, you can forget about that with this mouse. It’s really a gliding motion and at first, it feels like nothing is moving at all! Sort of like a ‘touch’ wheel! And no sound at all! This is definitely a winner for me because I couldn’t live with firefoxing without a comfortable wheel.

- Third (middle) button [pressing wheel] is really easy to ‘activate’ as well, unlike other mice where it requires a noticeable effort and flex from your finger to depress the wheel [cf. Logitech V220].

- Left and Right buttons have a sort of ‘muffled’ clicking sound to them [again, cf. V220 which has a sharp clicking sound that is more liable to be overheard some distance away].

- Provided software also makes it easy to customize the left and right side buttons (or whatever you call them) with useful functionality e.g. going to the previous page in your browser, copy, paste etc
Rating: 5 / 5



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