Mass Effect 2 (PC DVD)

Posted by Notcot on Apr 2, 2011 in Steampunk |

Like all modern combat hard-suits, Terminus Assault Armour is environmentally sealed with an independent air supply for use in space and extreme planetary conditions, with an onboard “micro-frame” computer capable of running a suite of battle management software. To prevent detection by passive thermal sensors, body heat is channeled to the base of the feet, where it can be dispersed into the ground. The Terminus Assault Armour increases storm speed +10%. all weapons have +1 magazines of reserve ammo and increases shields +15%.

Minimum System Specifications

OS: Windows XP SP3/Vista SP1 Win 7. Processor: 1.8GHz Intel Core 2 duo (or equivalent AMD CPU). Memory: 1GB RAM for XP 2GB RAM Vista/Win 7. Hard Drive: 15GB. DVD-ROM 1x speed. Video Card: 256MB with Pixel Shader 3.0 support. Sound Card: Direct X 9.0c. Direct X 9.0c. Input: Keyboard, mouse.

The sci-fi role-playing epic continues, as the Mass Effect story delves into darker territory and the fate of Commander Shepard, his crew and the entire galaxy.

The saga continues with even more action and intrigue
Enemies will keep on coming even with missing limbs
Mass Effect 2 will see the return of many familiar faces
Equip and upgrade many new weapon types and biotics

A streamlined combat system makes the game even more action-packed than before, with a new regenerating health system that means you spend less time fiddling with menus and more time shooting enemies. You can also direct teammates individually with a simple press of a button, giving you greater tactical control over every encounter.

The number of planets you can explore, and the complexity of the sub quests you find on them, has been greatly expanded from the first game – giving you a whole galaxy to explore at will. The original game was the most cohesive mix yet of action game and role-player and this sequel goes even further in combing both genres into one giant space opera.

Key Features

  • Episode Two: Commander Shepard returns as the award-winning action role-player offers up even more intense storytelling and a whole new threat to humanity.
  • All action: All-new combat options make the game even more action-packed, with more versatile controls, more weapons and better management of allies.
  • Age of discovery: Even more exploration options than before, with more detailed side quests and many more developed planets to visit.
  • Good talker: Revamped conversation system is more dynamic than ever, with faster, more realistic dialogue and a new cinematic camera.
  • Ongoing story: If you have a save file from the first Mass Effect then the decisions you made will have an effect on the new game and old characters will remember you.

About the Developer: BioWare Corp.
This Canadian developer has become one of the most renowned makers of Western style role-playing games, with titles such as Baldur’s Gate, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Jade Empire and Mass Effect. Star Wars: The Old Republic will be their first massively multiplayer online game.

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Mr. B. Clifford
at 11:58 pm

24 of 26 people found the following review helpful:
4.0 out of 5 stars
A better story, but a better game?, 4 Feb 2010
Mr. B. Clifford (Essex) –

Fun:5.0 out of 5 stars 
This review is from: Mass Effect 2 (PC DVD) (DVD-ROM)

I am a great fan of Mass Effect 1 and have played it through a number of times with different characters. However, even though I thoroughly enjoyed the game, it was never really an RPG. It was always a tactical shooter with an excellent story, great grpahics and a few RPG elements. I’d even go as far to say how bad some of the RPG aspects were (poor levelling system, awful inventory, limited character creation etc…).

Mass Effect 2 seems to have taken out all of the bits that irritated me (including those dull dull dull Mako missions) and created a much tighter playing experience. Every mission feels important to the main story and there were very few times I felt I was playing the same mission with a different background. Some of the missions were truly exciting and left me guessing what was going to happen next. The story is even better then the first. It introduces new twists to the story and I like the idea of seeing the galaxy’s darker side. Even the characters seem more engaging this time round. I’ll always miss Wrex, but most of the game’s first charcaters left me cold.

It’s not perfect however, but the faults are few and far between. I can imagine the planet scanning side game/quest for resources getting tedious, especially on a second playthrough. The inventory system, although much easier to use, could have made the player feel more involved. I just wasn’t happy being told exactly what gun I could or couldn’t use. Finally, I’m still undecided on whether DLC is a good thing or not. Time will tell.

Overall, I feel that some of the customer reviews on this page have been unfair. I think EA gets a great deal of unfair stick, but it is one of the companies that I think seems to take the risks (unlike Bioshock 2 or CODMW2). Mass Effect was never a true RPG so the sequel shouldn’t be judged as one either. If you’re looking for an excellent 80+ hour RPG then choose Dragon Age or Divine Divinity 2. If you want a fun and exciting tactical shooter with great graphics and an engrossing story, then Mass Effect 2 is simply perfect.

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Mr P. Edwards "PJO Gaming Industries (PGI)"
at 12:00 am

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars
Few Games These Days are Brilliant but My God Have We Got a Truly Amazing One Here!, 31 Jan 2011

Fun:5.0 out of 5 stars 
This review is from: Mass Effect 2 (PC DVD) (DVD-ROM)

Mass Effect 2 – what can I say. Many games in the last decade have been made as mainstream games for the masses and for millions to flock to the shops (i.e. Fifa, COD, Assassins Creed, Grand Theft Auto etc.) these were games which were fun and enjoyable but are not really in any way great games. What makes a great game is something which is thrilling and something which while you are playing you thrive on, something which you become attached to, something entangles YOU in the game, not the character or the computer generated gun on the screen but YOU. Something which you become part of, something which you affect and Mass Effect does that perfectly. The story is gripping and intense and it is so much that it makes you want to go out of your way on a game to find out more, I found myself going around all the different areas, all the different planets, talking to everyone I could for as long as I could finding out more and more about my enemies and even my friends. The story slowly unravelled itself before finally reaching the best climax in gaming history in my opinion. The story is not told as many stories are merely through conversations with people but is actually shown and unravelled in front of your very eyes. The game, unlike every game I have ever played (bar possible the Uncharted series) actually made you care about what happened to the characters and put you on an emotive level with the game. This allowed the story to flow even more sweatly. Any game which can reach this kind of achievement is truly amazing. Throughout the game the decisions you make, the way you talk to people and the way you conduct yourself, whether that be in a moral way or an immoral way affects the outcome, not just of the end, but of all the little events through the game as well.

The graphics in the game are also superb, the character’s look unbelievably realistic and the landscapes and views have been crafted like a piece of ancient finery to look amazing and make the game even more appealing.

In terms of the game on a software level and installation and what have you, it is absolutely fine to buy the disc unlike Mass Effect 1 where if you bought it on disc it would be absolutely impossible to play

In conclusion, this is one of the best games ever made, dialogue is interesting and the story and action are as gripping and thrilling as you will find. It is certainly a game to add to your collection! 10/10

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Lewis Binns "Lloobee"
at 12:14 am

19 of 21 people found the following review helpful:
4.0 out of 5 stars
Good. Very good, even. But…, 1 Feb 2010
Lewis Binns “Lloobee” (York, UK) –

Fun:5.0 out of 5 stars 
This review is from: Mass Effect 2 (PC DVD) (DVD-ROM)

… But not truly great. ME1 Was truly awesome, but this is just good.

Apart from an annoying bug (sometimes the environment lets you walk where you shouldn’t, but doesn’t let you back, so you have to reload – this doesn’t happen often but), it’s hard to put my finger on why it is. The graphics are gorgeous. The characters seem well thought out, although *everyone* has a bit of a checkered past. Thinking about it, Jack is probably the most dysfunctional supporting character in any game since that burning mage in “planescape Torment” (showing my age there). The “paragon / renegade” actions halfway through conversations work well. There are some awesome locations – so far (being vague to avoid spoiling the plot) I thought the wreckage, the “ship’s graveyard” and omega station are all brilliantly designed – even the nightclub was better done than in most (any?) game’s I’ve seen recently. The citadel has also had a major overhaul too.

They’ve got rid of the really annoying inventory system, with all that shuffling around of weapons, upgrades and ammo. Now different ammo is a character ability, which actually works better than I expected.

The cutscenes are also brilliantly done; seen quite a few but my favourite so far is still very near the start of the game, as the lights get turned on in the Normandy hangar.

Oh, I haven’t had to drive a six-wheeled thing that maneuvrers like a Volvo on black ice (with a layer of diesel on top) across vertical fractal landscapes either. That’s a plus.

One other thing to like – the subtle (or in some cases less so) way that your old ME1 save games interact. Depending on what you did last time around all sorts of people show up. Or don’t.

So why only four stars ? I don’t know. Maybe given the awesome predecessor, and how good DAO was, I was expecting even more. Maybe I thought Dragon Age Origins felt more open (though I’m pretty sure ME2 has more locations). Maybe I just don’t like “the Man” (you’ll find out). Maybe it’s that the character development has been streamlined too far? Or maybe it’s just that the game lacks Wrex, who was easily the star of the first game (unless you killed him).

I might dig out ME1 again, just to get a different background…

Amendment: Having played back through ME1, then played this again, I’m thinking maybe it’s worth 4 1/2 stars. Wrex showed up in my second trip through, and his replacement (the young Krogan “Grunt”) has some good moments, and some of the other characters are also very well done.

Shepard: If I know Grunt, your answer will be at muzzle velocity
Grunt: You do know Grunt…

Finally, the ending is great, even if it is a bit of a plug for ME3. The whole build-up to the final battle redeems some of the early parts of the game feeling a bit small. There are lots of extra missions out there too, if you look for them, though most of them are a bit too short.

Here’s hoping EA don’t end the series on the kind of sour note they did for C&C.

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