Machinarium : Collectors Edition (PC/Mac DVD)
Probably the most magical and entertaining game you will ever play.
We cannot recommend this one enough. Lovingly crafted by Amanita Design (of Samorost fame), Machinarium is an outstanding example what happens when close group of designers pour their heart and soul into something very special. This should be the benchmark for all adventure games.
Simply Beautiful.
Enjoy – Notcot
Collectors Edition includes:
- Additional CD with the games music and 5 additional bonus sound tracks
- Booklet including never seen before concept art
- A3 Poster
- A printed walkthrough
Machinarium is a puzzle video game developed by Amanita Design. The goal of Machinarium is to solve a series of puzzles and brain teasers. The puzzles are linked together by an overworld consisting of a traditional point and click adventure story.
The overworlds most radical departure is that only objects within the player characters reach can be clicked on. Machinarium is notable in that it contains no dialogue, neither spoken nor written. The game instead uses a system of animated thought bubbles.
Review by Aidan Clark for Machinarium : Collectors Edition (PC/Mac DVD)
(5 / 5)
This adventure game is a beautiful thing, with stunning hand-drawn backgrounds, brilliantly detailed characters, and a fantastic soundtrack (included with the special edition on a bonus CD). It is astonishing how funny and moving a game with no dialogue can be. The puzzles are challenging but there is a great hint-system for when you are stuck, as well as a mini arcade-style game which, when completed, will give you the walkthrough for the relevant section. The walkthrough is also included in the package as a booklet, but really the fun is, as in every classic adventure game, all about trying to figure out the crazy logic of the game’s world. The puzzles can be incredibly complex but this just adds to the satisfaction of finally cracking them. This deluxe edition also comes with a booklet of concept art which gives an insight into the development of the game’s amazing animation. The music, graphics, storyline and puzzles compliment each other sublimely, but for me, the real beauty of the game is in the main character’s personality, which is impossibly endearing considering he is mute: every shake of the head or tap of the foot conveys a huge amount of character. There is real soul and emotional resonance imbued in this game – ironically, considering all the characters are mute robots. My only criticism of this near-perfect game is that it is over too soon!
Review by Mr. Thomas Nixon for Machinarium : Collectors Edition (PC/Mac DVD)
(5 / 5)
I have just finished Machinerium. What a fantastic experience.
First off, the packaging. The edition I got comes with a printed walkthrough book, a music CD, concept art and the game. I cannot fault this.
The game itself was captivating from puzzle one. Utterly charming and beautiful the characters convey so much emotion and the music is really well done. A glance at the IGN review for this game suggests that the game is far too difficult. I play all games on normal difficulty and have no problem accepting that I am no super brain when it comes to puzzles, but the puzzles in this game were totally logical and while often challenging, nothing that a logical mind will baulk at! I needed the hint book for one puzzle (the bird!), but aside from that everything else was a pleasurable (and often humour filled) journey.
I cannot recommend this game enough. I applaud the guys who put it together and await their next work of art with anticipation! The only small criticism I have is that the game was short (perhaps because I was so captivated time went by so quickly!). This problem is massively mitigated by the price, the quality and the lasting feeling of accomplishment and happiness which comes from finishing the game!
Review by NeuroSplicer for Machinarium : Collectors Edition (PC/Mac DVD)
(5 / 5)
To paraphrase Cornelius Celsus, Machinarium is the Art of Educated Guessing. Yes, art.
This indie gem is a definite affirmation to the question whether PC gaming is an art-form. In recent years the genre has strayed towards the-latest-hardware-demanding yet vapid eye-candy. So when a slow and moody game comes along, on that can run in almost any machine and offers subtle fan, we tend to underestimate it.
This is a logic puzzle-adventure. Sometimes the puzzles are easy. Sometimes you get lucky. And sometime you get stuck and you shall need hints or even the level walkthrough contained in a locked book that opens with a mini-game. However, perseverance is rewarded with the satisfaction of being able to untangle the inner logic of the game.
I have been playing puzzle adventures ever since MYST and, although I am not an exclusive fan of the genre, over the years I have played its best representatives. And MACHINARIUM should be considered one of them.
The game is also a avant-garde cartoon story, with beautifully hand-drawn backgrounds and an endearing protagonist.
The game may not last long but I promise you it will stay for you for a very long time.
Review by Ms. Ej Berry for Machinarium : Collectors Edition (PC/Mac DVD)
(5 / 5)
As a person who has always struggled with puzzle games I have never bought one before. This one caught my eye due to the exceptional graphics. I played the demo, fully expecting to be a complete failure at the first level, only to find that this game brings out the logical side to even someone like me. The puzzles, whilst still remaining challenging, are not so difficult that you will lose interest. And even when you do come across a particularly frustrating puzzle you still cannot leave the game alone!
The music on the game is exceptional, strangely soothing and quirky, I loved every second of it. The characters say a thousand words without actually saying a single thing, something which I have never seen on a game before and found that it made me relate to the characters more. The fact that they don’t speak does not take away from the game in the slightest, in fact it adds to the game immersion. The Machinarium world is 100% original and incredibly interesting. Even when staring at a puzzle for half an hour trying to figure it out, I found enjoyment looking at the lovingly detailed world about the character and lo and behold, the answer was staring me in the face the whole time! I got (and seeing as I haven’t completed the game yet, still get!) huge satisfaction from progressing in this game. Anyone can pick up a FPS and sit there all day shooting monsters, this game will challenge even the best of you to new levels as it takes you on an emotional and intellectual journey you will never forget.
This is a puzzle game, but make no mistake, this is also an adventure! And at the risk of sounding stupid (I actually have an IQ of 140) I really believe this game is making me smarter! Having always excelled in creative endeavors more than anything else, I now find myself approaching things with a more logical view. And you know what else? It’s amazing to finally have a game which isn’t full of lewdness, bad language and violence.
Explore your imagination and expand your mind! BUY MACHINARIUM!
Review by nightowl for Machinarium : Collectors Edition (PC/Mac DVD)
(5 / 5)
The single best features of this game are its evocative art that make a highly detailed world and its hypnotically beautiful soundtrack. The wife and I played Machinarium together off and on over a few weeks and enjoyed every minute of it. The puzzles can be challenging, but are all do-able. I estimate we did about 85% of game on our own, and looked for hints for the remaining 15%. Imho, this game is truly a work of art, and I’ll be replaying it in the next year just to enjoy the world and robots of Machinarium. Here’s hoping for the sequel to this game!