Ion iED05 USB Digital Drum Kit

Video Tutotials & Interactive Games Makes Playing The Drums At Home A Reality
- Complete adjustable drum rack easily configures to optimum personal playing position Easy to assemble, store and transport Smaller than an acoustic drum kit Headphone input for 'silent' drumming Velocity-sensitive true drum feel and response Software offers advanced sampling technology for high quality audio USB connection to your computer supplies power – therefore no wall socket required PC-based software offers easy to follow tutorials The tutorial system uses colour coding to identify the pads – ideal for quick learning and skill development Software contains 161 realistic sound combinations and 17 sound banks Drumming game with three levels of difficulty Includes: Adjustable drum stand (approx. dimensions: 90 W x 100 H x 40cm D) 6 x percussion pads 2 x pedals (1x kick, 1x Hi-hat) 2 x drumsticks 1 x software CD USB interface box Instructions All cables supplied (inc. USB lead)
Price : £ 109.95