Inov8 NB-4L Replacement Digital Camera Battery for Canon
Posted by Notcot on Apr 17, 2010 in Photography |

Product Description
Brand New – Ships same day, delivery 2-5 working days. 7 Day Money Back Guarantee. 10th Year online! – PicStop is an established retailer of Camera and Computer Accessories and Hardware.
I bought one of these as an emergency back up for my Canon Ixus 70 before going to Glastonbury this year, thinking that worst case scenario I would get enough battery life to take a few pictures if the original battery gave up on me after a few days.
I actually didn’t need to use it on that occasion, but I have since and I can assure anyone who’s wondering that it is just as good as the original battery packs Canon provides (and sells as replacements for £20). The battery achieves a full charge from empty in about 2 hours, and then lasts just as long as my original Canon (for me this is usually a matter of weeks, but obviously it depends on your usage so may be a longer or shorter length of time).
Overall I am very impressed with this as a back up, especially when one considers the difference in price between this and the ‘genuine’ Canon products.
Rating: 5 / 5
this is a great replacement for original canon battery. so far matched original and a great price
Rating: 5 / 5
I purchased this battery as a spare for my wife to use on a holiday to USA. When first tried in the camera (IXUS 80IS) it failed to work when fully charged, but after cleaning the contacts thoroughly it appeared to do so. However after taking eight photos and being stored for a few days it failed completely. A Canon battery bought at the last minute operated very well during a holiday on which hundreds of photos were taken. I tried to use the Inov8 battery again on my wife’s return and found it to be completely useless and impossible to revive by any means. An email to the supplier sent one month after the date of purchase has produced no response. I do not think this battery is suitable as a replacement for a Canon one.
Rating: 1 / 5
The Inov8 NB-4L Canon equivalent battery delivered by return of post, and after fully charging established that it served me without further charging for a whole week using the camera extensively including reviewing shots. This far exceeded my expectation for this size of battery. An excellent buy
Rating: 5 / 5
Very fast delivery of item.
Charged it and been using it periodically on the first charge for about a 4 – 6 weeks. Works fine. Why would anyone pay 5 x for a “genuine Cannon spare part” when this does the job just fine.
Rating: 5 / 5