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Review by Ian Armer for Hell Comes to Frogtown [DVD] [1987]
(3 / 5)
‘Rowdy’ Roddy Piper stars as Sam Hell…who comes to Frogtown. See? It does what it says on the tin! Anyway, Hell is one of the last virile men on our post apocalyptic planet. His mission? To impregnate women and restart the human race! The catch? Said women are being held hostage by huge mutant frogs AND if Hell decides on a bit of pre-rescue nookie, his codpiece explodes…
This ridiculous film from 1988 has always been one of those cheesy, brain-dead delights. It requires nothing of the viewer for 88 minutes. You don’t even have to think very hard (if at all) as the ‘plot’ is so scarce that the film gets by on its good humour alone and some so-so special effects. Roddy Piper is his usual self, the women are scantily clad, it has huge randy frogs in. What more do you want?
Review by bernie for Hell Comes to Frogtown [DVD] [1987]
(3 / 5)
This is just another post-apocalypse movie, more of a mad Max or mad Maxine. The frog people are just not pretty faces. Other parts of their body are more versatile. There is no way that Roddy Piper (Sam Hell) can compete so he appeals to their sense of humanity. Propagation is implied throughout the movie. There are even a few sweaty scenes and no one stays in the car.
Roddy did a much better job in “They Live”
This is a combination of “John Goldfarb Please Come Home” and “Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death (1988)”