Half-Life 2: The Orange Box (PS3)

(Region free, Full English language, will play on any PS3 console system)
- 5 Games, One Box: The Orange Box is the ultimate collection of innovative action games for the PC or console, and an amazing introduction to the Half Life series for console gamers.
- Epic Storyline: Half Life 2: Episode Two takes gamers deeper into one of the best-known stories in gaming, following the desperate struggle of Gordon Freeman against the mysterious Combine. In this episode, gamers will leave the confines of City 17 for the first time.
- Redefining Action: Portal delivers an innovative new action gaming experience. Arming players with a portal gun allowing them to create portals from one location to another with the press of a button, Portal will forever change the way that gamers interact with their environment.
- World-Class Multiplayer: Team Fortress 2 is the sequel to granddaddy of role-based multiplayer action games. Featuring nine distinct roles – Heavy, Spy, Scout, Demoman, Engineer, Medic, Sniper, Soldier and Pyro – Team Fortress 2 is one of this year`s most anticipated multiplayer games for any platform.
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Poor conversion, but a classic nonetheless. And amazing value.,
Incredible value for money. Half Life 2 is one of the best shooters ever made, this package also includes Episodes 1 & 2, along with puzzler Portal and online shooter Team Fortress 2.
For someone who has never played Half Life 2, this is an essential purchase. Even on a repeat play its still gripping and lots of fun.
Half Life games have a tradition of redefining what makes a shooter great. With the originals release in 1998, the focus on narrative was completely new. The game did away with cut scenes and everything was viewed through the eyes of central character, Gordon Freeman. This tradition continues with Half Life 2, but Valve has also placed great focus on physics and the way objects react within its world.
As it was first released in 2004, these aspects are slightly showing their age; but no game has done it better. This is helped in no small part by the Gravity Gun. A superb innovation that never gets boring, and makes lethal weapons out of everyday objects.
Episode 1 is a solid if forgettable expansion pack, which picks up the story from Half Life 2’s dramatic conclusion. Yet sadly, only the level ‘Lowlife’ provides any real excitement.
Luckily Episode 2 serves up an electrifyng change of pace, switching locations from the urban squalour of City 17 to the more rural ‘White Forest’. Theres also a new vehicle to drive, in addition to previously unseen weapons and enemies. Unfortunately the Half Life saga is left on yet another cliffhanger, as Episode 3 is still some way from completion. It needs to arrive soon, as the Source Engine is already looking dated when compared to the likes of Bioshock or Call of Duty 4. There are some nice HD effects, but its disappointing more hasnt been done to update the visuals.
Portal is truly unique and has to be played to understand what its about. Team Fortress 2 is a deep, rewarding shooter, and quite a change from the standard online shooter fare. As the name suggests, TF2 requires teamwork to achieve victory. The cartoony visual style seperates this massively from the others in the package.
Of the versions available, PS3 loses out, which shouldnt be the case.
Having played this on a friends 360, the load times are shorter and the annoying slowdown when too much happens on screen is non existent. This is completely unacceptable.
But The Orange Box is still great. Put simply, theres truly something for every shooter addict. Be it obscure, epic or online.
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To the person reviewed below… You’ve openly admited you read about the issues and haven’t bought the game… I read these same comments, grew concerned, and then chose to ignore them! Since then i have been 100% hooked to this gaming masterpiece, killing every spare moment and straingin my eyes and senses to TRY and find any hint of these WAY OVER EXAGERATED problems.
Team Fortress 2 and Half Life 2 are the main two killing my time, TF2 is better than i expected as i was concerned by the cartoony screenshots, i’m also surprised how many are playing it considering the game was only released 3 days ago.
As for HL2 itself, i’m sure its better looking than it is when it was originally released on the PC, the comment made by my wife passing the screen says it all “I thought you said this game was old, it looks brand new and better than half your other games” I’m on chapter 11 of 14 on HL2 and have encountered NO slow down at all, the same situation reported by the majority who have bought this fabulous product.
This game also demonstrates that they did infact make decent length games a few years back. HL2 on its own is 4 or 5 times longer than Resistance: Fall of Man and then you also have to consider than you’ve got Episodes 1, 2 and Portal thrown in aswell.
Your not likely to get this much value for money for an enormously long period of time… long live the days of Gordon Freeman on Playstation 3
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Good game, bad port,
While all the games included in the Orange Box are brilliant by themselves on the PC, the port to the PS3 is not so good. Loading times are long, the controls aren’t so fluid as on the PC, and there are few servers for multiplayer. This affects multiplayer-only games like Team Fortress 2 much more than Half-Life 2 itself, which is almost as good on the PS3 as it is on the PC.
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