Garmin Nuvi 1340 Satellite Navigation with UK & Western Europe (22 Countries)
Posted by Notcot on Sep 2, 2010 in In-Car Technology |

- Only 15mm thick ideal for use in and out of the
- Lane Assist to show you to the correct lane for
- Public Transport and Pedestrian mode with option
- New optional AA City Guides for restaurant listi
- Garmins unique speed camera warnings (database u
Garmin Nuvi 1340 Satellite Navigation with UK & Western Europe (22 Countries)
Review by B. Cooke for Garmin Nuvi 1340 Satellite Navigation with UK & Western Europe (22 Countries)
(5 / 5)
Widescreen, clear map, easy to use and the audio instructions are clear, and these not only tell you which way to turn, but also the name of the road you are turning into. Speed camera notifications, the speed limit you are in and the actual speed indications are useful. If you know the route and don’t want the audio instructions, you can just go to the MAP and it will show your car on the route and still give speed camera warnings. However, it is not perfect. For instance, it sometimes tells you to turn right but in fact you need to follow the road round the bend (the “straight on” road is actually a left turn). Also, the text which temporarily pops up when the speed camera chimes go off (double ding) is rather small. This text is useful in that it advises whether a fixed or average speed camera is looming, or a mobile camera zone. In this zone, a single ding sounds every few seconds if you are doing exactly the limit (or over). In my view it should not sound at the legal limit. Also, it would be useful to have a Mute “button” on the map screen for cases where you know most of the route but need help near the end. However, despite these minor foibles I am very pleased with the product.
Review by H. Calder for Garmin Nuvi 1340 Satellite Navigation with UK & Western Europe (22 Countries)
(5 / 5)
I did a lot of research on sat navs before I decided on this one and have not been disappointed. It is so easy to use (which for me is important as I hate spending hours with a manual not getting anywhere). I used to get lost most places I went and found it dangerous looking at printed out directions on my knee – so this has been the best gadget I have brought myself for a long time. Have recommended it and shown it to lots of friends and they all seem to like it – very streamlined and easy to view screen. Excellent.
Review by Cossy for Garmin Nuvi 1340 Satellite Navigation with UK & Western Europe (22 Countries)
(5 / 5)
This is the first sat nav I have ever bought, but I spent quite a bit of time reading reviews and talking to friends with sat navs.
I’ve read some negative reviews about the nuvi 1340, but decided to take the plunge and so far – five days in – I haven’t been disappointed.
It is very easy to use. The screen is big and clear, the instructions concise and easy to understand. It updates and recalculates routes, when I have pursposefully gone the wrong way, very quickly. There are other useful functions on there, like the points of interest, and the ‘where am i’ function would be very useful in an emergency. Safety camera alerts are a Godsend.
I appreciate that different people have different expectations, but I’m quite demanding and wouldn’t waste my money on a pile of tosh, so I can recommend this sat nav.
Review by Atif Hameed for Garmin Nuvi 1340 Satellite Navigation with UK & Western Europe (22 Countries)
(4 / 5)
I have been using this satnav for quite a while. And bought this after doing a lot of research.
1. 4.3 inch Display and graphics are a lot better than others in the same price range like TomTom.
2. Voices and Languages are too many to choose from, I have set mine to a female with American accent.
3. You can also change the car icon on screen to truck or bicycle or taxi.. there are alot of vehicles to download from the website.
4. It fits well on the screen, or on the dashboard.
5. EcoRoute is a plus if configured properly. You have to enter the fuel price and set other things to get it working properly.
6. Covers most of Europian countries, and the walking mode allows greater flexibility when visiting other cities in Europe.
1. The only disappointment was the LaneAssist feature, which does not work on most of junctions in Ireland. If you are in UK this may work for you.
2. Battery time is not too much and just sufficient.
3. A carry case should have been available with the purchase.
Overall I am quite satisfied with the product.
Review by M. Thompson for Garmin Nuvi 1340 Satellite Navigation with UK & Western Europe (22 Countries)
(5 / 5)
I am very pleased with the nuvi1340. It is a great advance upon my old Navman icn 520. The mapping is clear as are the instructions and I am particularly impressed by the facility to see the speed limit on many roads. This satnav seems to acquire the satellite almost instantly. Initially I was not impressed by the POIs but after I had downloaded the map update ( this takes a very long time!) they are very much improved. I can not comment of course on long term reliability but on what I have seen so far, this satnav is well worth the money. It even fits the Brodit cradle which I bought for for the Navman – an unexpected bonus!