Duragadget vent holder suitable for use with TOMTOM ONE /ONE IQ Routes regional & edition Europe XL V4 / 4TH Edition ASSIST car holder vent mounts for the TomTom EasyPort devices, Europe 22, ONE Regional, ONE Regional Traffic, XL Europe 22, XL Europe 22 Traffic, XL Regional, and XL Regional Traffic. In the U.S 130 and TomTom XL 330 exclusive to DURAGADGET®

Posted by Notcot on May 6, 2010 in In-Car Technology |

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at 9:29 am

I recently bought a Tomtom sat nav but found it difficult to see properley as it was right back on the windscreen. So I looked at Amazon and found the Duragadget Vent Holder for my Tomtom. I ordered one because it was much cheaper than the Tomtom one and looked sturdier. Next day I put on the computer to see what was happening with my order just as the vent holder came through the letter box. It was a very quick delivery worth 5 stars. I went out to my Ford Focus to fit the vent holder and had a bit of a struggle at first as the Focus has slightly curved air vents. The problem was there wasnt enough room to push the clips in from the bottom. However pulling one of the clips off the vent holder I soon ascertained that if I turned them upside down they fitted very nicely from the top. It took a bit of fiddling at first but once you get the knack it is quite easy. The Duragadget Vent Holder is very steady and can be positioned well. It is very easy to dismantle and store out of site, and has also sucessfully solved the problem of the Tomtom on the windscreen. I would recommend this very useful gadget.
Rating: 5 / 5

Mr. C. M. Sear
at 12:12 pm

Hunted for a vent holder for my Tom Tom XL. So expensive at usual Motorist shops. Then saw this one. I thought for 8.99 it’s not alot to lose if it’s c**p. How wrong can you be. Arrived in 24hrs. Easy intructions, fitted the mount holder to the back of the Sat-nav, and went to the car to fix the mount onto the vent. Fitted straight away on the right hand Drivers side air vent. No problem. sits well, no shake when the car is in motion. Easy to remove when you take out yor unit from the car. Well made, & don’t think it will break too easily. Highly delighted with my puchase, money well spent, and wouldn’t expect to find tis quality mount for less than £20 on the high street. Shall look for more of this Company’s products when I need them. Greaty piece of kit. Thanks.
Rating: 5 / 5

at 12:38 pm

I installed this on my 2001 Renault Megane and am very pleased with it. It is a great improvement on the windscreen mounted device supplied with the sat nav which had a habit of falling off and landing down by my feet. It is easy to remove the sat nav and the remaining fixing is unobtrusive. Providing it fits your vent I would recommend it to anyone.
Rating: 4 / 5

at 1:12 pm

Mine came with no instructions (which way up does it go??), but the photos on the Amazon website made assembly and fitting easy to my Audi A4. It works very well indeed – makes the Tom Tom easy to see (particuary the small numbers at the bottom – speed etc) and get at. Clicking the unit in and out of the holder was a bit stiff at first, but a touch of Vaseline solved that. I was worried about leaving the holder in view (from the security point of view) and found removing the holder difficult until I found how. You just push the unit in as far as it will go so it disengages from the vane on the vent, then move it upwards and pull it out.
Rating: 5 / 5

C. L. Roe
at 2:35 pm

Duragadget vent holder suitable for use with TOMTOM ONE /ONE IQ Routes regional & edition Europe XL V4 / 4TH Edition ASSIST car holder vent mounts for the TomTom EasyPort devices, Europe 22, ONE Regional, ONE Regional Traffic, XL Europe 22, XL Europe 22…

My DuraGadget vent holder arrived in just 2 days; I was amazed at the clever design. After learning the knack, it slid into the vent and located with a satisfying click. With a little more practise it was easy to attach and remove. Well done DuraGadget!
Rating: 5 / 5



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