Discworld Noir (E,S,I,)

Posted by Notcot on Feb 25, 2011 in Noir |

Terry Pratchett’s Discworld is, perhaps unsurprisingly given the game’s title, the setting for this point-and-click romp which combines the best elements of Bogart-esque private eye movies with the best-known fantasy environment in the world.

The game follows the trials and tribulations of the Discworld’s first PI as he takes on his first case–a missing persons job on behalf of a darkly mysterious female client who’s husband has gone walkies.

It’s pretty standard adventure fare with pointing and clicking aplenty as the case unravels, villains are revealed and outrageously long FMV sequences disturb the flow of the plot.

OK, so far it doesn’t sound that good, right? But perseverance is the name of the game and you won’t be able to help getting drawn further into the plot to the point where it is impossible to leave it alone. The major draw in this title is the obvious input from Pratchett himself. The characters really bring this game to life, mixing the new, such as Lewton the private eye and main character, with the old, Nobby Nobbs of the City Guard, Death and the Grim Squeaker–a hilarious character who is actually the Death of Rats.

Comedy abounds here, from the obvious to the incredibly subtle, and there is plenty going on to keep you playing for quite a while.

At the end of the day, this is more suited to the Discworld fan then to someone looking idly around for an adventure game to fill in a couple of hours, but with its budget price thanks to an Infogrames re-release, Discworld Noir is a good purchase. –James Gordon

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at 6:02 am

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
4.0 out of 5 stars
Good game, 17 Dec 2004

This review is from: Discworld Noir (E,S,I,) (Video Game)

Discworld Noir is the third instalment of the pratchett discworld based adveture games. An intial warning is that if you are not a discworld fan you may not enjoy it. However Discworld Noir exceeds the previous 2 instalments as a plot written especially for the game by Pratchett allows the gamers from a non-discworld background to enjoy it as much as others. A good soild plot with some nice atmospheric lighting, the game takes a playful poke at the ‘film-noir’ genre. Although it is possible to completly the game by randomly clicking for hours on end until you succeed i wouldnt recomend it as to do so will prevent you being drawn deeply and satisfyingly into a dark and mysterous world.

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Danellakis Dimitris
at 6:30 am

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
4.0 out of 5 stars
A truly amazing game!, 31 July 2000
Danellakis Dimitris (Greece) –

This review is from: Discworld Noir (E,S,I,) (Video Game)

This is really one of the best adventures I have ever played. Two are the main reasons for this :

1) Its atmosphere. The game actually “feels” noir. It’s raining all the time, it’s always dark, and there is an oppressive yet mysterious atmosphere all around.

2) Its plot. It starts out as a simple mission, to find a missing person, but gradually the plot thickens and then, gradually again, the various cases start mixing up. Some of them also turn out to be red herrings (which in many adventures just doesn’t happen; whatever everyone talks about is always connected with your story, no matter what!).

The film (I kept feeling as if I was watching a film, while playing this game) is also full of tragic or pessimistic characters, it has a femme-fatale, a love story (can’t do without a good love story, can we? :) and everything else a good detective noir film has to offer. The really good time starts when you insert the second CD (where your detective acquires his new … abilities). Can’t say anything more!

I will finish with the one small defect I disliked in the game. The notebook interface was a good idea, but poorly implemented. This page-turning really frustrated me, especially when I was trying to discover if any new topics had been added after a new conversation.

I repeat, for all fans of noir films and good detective stories, it is a must.

Nice game, GT Interactive!

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at 6:33 am

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
4.0 out of 5 stars
Confusing and a tad tedious!, 13 Oct 2000
By A Customer
This review is from: Discworld Noir (E,S,I,) (Video Game)

I’ve only just bought this game but so far I’m not really getting into it. Lewton’s monotonous voice is starting to grate and the very slow animation is bugging me too.

But I could be feeling like this because I’ve reached a certain point and can’t work out what to do next! It’s would appear to be a good game all in all (from what I’ve seen so far) but it makes me want to turn up the heating what with all that rain! Graphics are great, it would appear that it’s going to take me some time to work out what I’m supposed to be doing and will therefore either entertain me for the next few months (new baby takes priority I’m afraid) or will be discarded along with other games I’m stuck on!

Humorous, great character and very good conversations – all in all, just like a discworld book. Buy it, but don’t expect it to be easy!

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