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This film had its trouble when released and it is understandable, BAD LIEUTENANT is hard to watch at times but that’s what makes it genius: its honest, realistic and touching, it doesn’t dwell on SFX, blood, guts and gore, there are no explosions. It’s great acting and great directing, psychological depth and a catching story that make this cop drama so great.
Ms .45 ( Angel of Vengeance ) ( Rape Squad ) Abel Ferrara’s best film also has psychological depth like BAD LIEUTENANT
I Stand Alone [1999] (REGION 1) (NTSC) One of the best films dealing with a broken psyche. French with English subtitles.
Henry – Portrait Of A Serial Killer [Uncut] [1986] Not really a horror film, but a great pseudo-documentary of sick minds.
Rating: 5 / 5
Harvey keitel’s performance is simply outstanding, one of the most intense uncompromising & candid you will see from an actor in any given year. It’s a travesty that keitel wasn’t nominated for an Oscar for best actor that year. He dominates this film to such an extent that you don’t even recall anybody elses appearance. An acting masterclass.
Rating: 5 / 5
Sometimes your need to explore the bad. Not sugar coat it, not make it all-right-in-the-end feelgood hollywood crowd-pleasing, but take a character and a situation and follow them both through to their rightful conclusion. And make no mistake, this is totally about badness – Keitel’s character is as corrupted to the core as a human being can be. And we witness it all close up. But can someone like him be ultimately redeemed? I’ll leave you to find out. Be prepared to be shocked, to witness total corruption and despair, and to witness one of the best performances an actor can give. This film will take you way beyond your comfort zone – but is a tour de force of vital, raw cinema. I still shudder now when recalling it and how I felt at the ending. It doesn’t come much better than this.
Rating: 5 / 5
Keitel turns in what might be his best-ever performance in this monstrously ugly tale of moral corruption. There’s no easy moment in the 90 minutes of this film. It veers from bad to worse to despair, charting the downfall of a corrupt cop who revels in every addiction going.
Watching Bad Lieutenant wasn’t an entirely enjoyable experience — although the film-making is to be applauded alongside Keitel’s jaw-dropping depiction of a man on the brink. The spiral into awfulness makes for grim viewing, however. It’s also one of those films with a paper-thin plot: the action is almost entirely character driven and bounces from one isolated scene to another with little to connect them apart from the self-destructive urges of the central character. The filming is remarkable, too, full of murky stairwells. peeling paint and dark corridors shot in a realistic manner. Sometimes, though, the viewer isn’t entirely sure what is real and what is an hallucination.
UK viewers may struggle a little to understand what’s going on with the baseball games (and these form a core of the story as they are what the cop is gambling on). You shoudl also check that you’re getting a modern DVD with the extras and full-screen film. We saw an older version and had to watch it shrunk within goalposts, and the sound quality was desperate on that version.
Not nice in the slightest, but very impressive film-making.
Rating: 4 / 5
For all fans Harvey Keitel,weird film ,but very interesting, dark side of police,life is not simply black and white.Keitel’s performance of bad policeman is excellent.
Rating: 5 / 5