Moon Knight: Bottom v. 1

Posted by Notcot on Mar 27, 2010 in Noir |

Average Rating: 5.0 / 5 (4 Reviews)

Moon Knight: Bottom v. 1

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B. Skeel
at 10:26 am

really really awesome, first comic i’ve bought since i was like 10 didn’t really know much about moonknight just saw the illustrations thought he looked cool needless to say i’m getting the other issues reaaaaaaaaaly worth the money and came really quickly too. illustrations are wicked story line wicked i’ve reread it loads its so good… so buy it

Rating: 5 / 5

at 11:54 am

The art is provided by David Finch, it is excellent dark moody yet clear and vibrant.

The story reintroduces moon knight in a way that new comers and old readers can both jump on and enjoy.

Moon knight is no more and Marc Spector is a wreck, a shadow of his former self. The stoty shows what happened to him and his attempts to regain his former glories. I cannot stress how good this is but you have to read it to fully appreciate what I mean.
Rating: 5 / 5

Mr. I. C. Briggs
at 12:13 pm

Having only experienced moon Knight as a guest character in mid 90’s Spider-man books, I approached this with little knowledge of the workings of the character. Thankfully I was not dissapointed.

As with several marvel characters recently, the company are putting a more adult spin on several stories, Moon Knight is no exception. I wouldn’t recommend this title for younger readers due to some pretty graphic violence at parts.

The story is basically an origin piece with Moon Knight (Marc Spector) cast as a Night time vigilante in worship of egyptian god of the moon Khonshu. “The Bottom” plays out the return of Moon Knight following a debilitating injury. Although the story plays out in typical comic book fashion the narrative develops via flashbacks at times along withe the questionable mental health of moon Knight himself and then sets up for a second instalment. Only downer is a scene obviously ripped from most batman stories with moon Knight having an underground hideout that looks a bit too much like a batcave.

The script is dead on and as said previously quite violent in places. David Finch’s artwork is also amazing as per usual but some layouts suffer from being too jumbled at times.

Overall a very accompished introduction to a marvel character I’ve often viewed as second stringer to many mainstay characters. Hopefully this quality will continue throughout future volumes.
Rating: 4 / 5

at 2:17 pm

Marvel’s answer to DC’s ‘Batman’…Moon Knight has been in the doldrums for years but Huston and Finch completely rejuvenate the series with this masterful graphic novel. The moment I finished the story I wanted to re-read it, as Huston creates a multi-layered narrative tapping into the motivations of the schizophrenic Marc Spector. Finch’s art work is simply gorgeous and he stuns the senses with his violent imagery. This is the perfect jumping-on point for an often over-looked character and a grim, sleazy study of what motivates Marvel’s dark knight.
Rating: 5 / 5



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